

Carga Horária: 60
Créditos: 4
Obrigatória: Não
This course aims to familiarize the students with the contemporary discussion and debates about key subjects in the field of ecological economics. The course has the structure of a seminar, requiring active participation of the students in terms of writing essays and discussion during the sessions. It will cover a wide range of issues, including the history and scope of ecological economics, social metabolism, political ecology, the debate about economic growth and environmental performance, the controversy around valuation of environmental assets and ecosystem services, and the relationship between globzalition and the environment. A história e o escopo da economia ecológica, relações entre economia ecológica e ecologia política, o debate sobre o crescimento econômico e desempenho ambiental, metabolismo social e economia circular, a controvérsia em torno dos serviços ecossistêmicos e sua avaliação, o papel dos incentivos econômicos na governança do meio ambiente dos bens comuns, formas emergentes de conceituar as relações sociedade-natureza, governança ambiental global e a dinâmica internacional do desmatamento tropical.
Özkaynak, B., Adaman, F. and P. Devine. 2012. The identity of ecological economics: retrospects and prospects. Cambridge Journal of Economics 36: 1123–1142. van den Bergh, J. 2001. Ecological economics: Themes, approaches, and differences with environmental economics. Regional Environmental Change 2: 13-23. Guijarro, F. and P. Tsinaslanidis. 2020. Analysis of Academic Literature on Environmental Valuation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17. Tinch, R. 2018. Debating Nature’s Value: The Role of Monetary Valuation. In: Anderson, V. (ed.). Debating Nature’s Value: The Concept of ‘Natural Capital’. Springer. 39-47 pp. Gómez-Baggethun, E., de Groot, R., Lomas, P. and C. Montes. 2010. The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: From early notions to markets and payment schemes. Ecological Economics 69: 1209–1218. Silvertown, J. 2015. Have Ecosystem Services Been Oversold? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30 (11): 641-648. Tinch, R., Beaumont, N., Sunderland, T., Ozdemiroglu, E., Barton, D., Bowe, C., Börger, T., Burgess, P., Cooper, C., Faccioli, M., Failler, P., Gkolemi, I.,Kumar, R., Longo, A., McVittie, A., Morris, J., Park, J., Ravenscroft, N., Schaafsma, M., Vause, J. and G. Ziv. 2019. Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: a review for decision makers, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. Jacobs, S. et al. 2016. A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use decisions. Ecosystem Services 22 (B): 213-220. Cheng, X., van Damm, S. Lia, L and P. Uyttenhove. 2019. Evaluation of cultural ecosystem services: A review of methods. Ecosystem Services 37: 100925. Kirchhoff, T. 2019. Abandoning the Concept of Cultural Ecosystem Services, or Against Natural–Scientific Imperialism. BioScience 69 (3): 220–227. Robbins, P. 2020. Is less more… or is more less? Scaling the political ecologies of the future. Political Geography 76: 102018. Gómez-Baggethun. E. 2020. More is more: Scaling political ecology within limits to growth. Political Geography 76: 102095. Giampietro, M. 2019. On the Circular Bioeconomy and Decoupling: Implications for Sustainable Growth. Ecological Economics 162: 143–156. Korhonen, J., Nuur C., Feldmann, A. and S. E. Birkie. 2018. Circular economy as an essentially contested concept. Journal of Cleaner Production 175. 544e552. Hickel, J and G. Kallis. 2019. Is green growth possible?, New Political Economy. Capasso, M., Hansen, T. Heiberg,J., Klitkou, A. and M. Steend. 2019. Green growth – A synthesis of scientific findings. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 146. 390–402. Bryner,N. 2020. The Green New Deal and Green Transitions. Vermont Law Review 44 (4): 723- 776. Mastini, R, Kallis,G. And J. Hickel. 2021. A Green New Deal without growth?. Ecological Economics 179: 106832. Mol. A. 2002. Ecological Modernization and the Global Economy. Global Environmental Politics 2 (2): 92-115. Dorninger, C, Hornborg, A.,Absona,D., von Wehrdena, H., Schaffartzik,A., Giljum, S.,Engler, J., Feller,R., Hubacek, K., Wieland, H. 2021. Global patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: Implications for sustainability in the 21st century. Ecological Economics 179: 106824.